Crypto Quantique, ZARIOT and Kigen: Scaling IoT Securely

The joint solution from Crypto Quantique, ZARIOT and Kigen enables zero-touch provisioning coupled with encrypted data connectivity to server-hosted apps on-premises or in the cloud for all cellular IoT devices. 

IoT devices can be provisioned, onboarded and managed through a cutting-edge security platform while leveraging all the certified security benefits from the GSMAs IoT-SAFE program. 

This innovative solution expands IoT SAFE to allow devices to seamlessly and securely connect with zero-touch provisioning to any cloud or data centre environment with secure end-to-end communication. This webinar is highly recommended for semiconductor and IoT device manufacturers who need data security, CRA compliance, and scalable provisioning for their connected IoT devices.

Watch the session on-demand

Key takeaways from the webinar

  • Manage and simplify security procedures for your IoT devices
  • Seamlessly onboard IoT devices to public and private cloud 
  • End-to-end security from the device to the cloud where the data is processed
  • Authenticate devices for secure data  exchange  from chip to cloud 
  • Manage the ongoing lifecycle of security credentials and firmware updates

Revisit the webinar in detail:

Download the webinar slides here

Secure device onboarding with zero-touch provisioning

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