Enlit 2023 take outs

Several key themes emerged from Enlit 2023 that will contribute to achieving Europe’s 2050 net-zero goals, including investment in smart grids and data security risks. The event also provided exciting insights into how software and hardware deliver measurable and sustainable energy efficiency.

Smart Grid investment 

The smart grid is critical in helping us achieve a sustainable future driven by the escalating demand for electricity, including the electrification of transportation and electric vehicles (EVs). The consensus in Paris is that Energy providers need to urgently invest in smart grid technology to make it easier to integrate renewable energy sources into the current grid.

Smart Meters are crucial for the advanced metering infrastructure

OEMs, ODMs, and utilities benefit from eSIM which facilitates interoperability among smart sensors and devices that make up the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and optimize energy solutions by managing diverse energy resources. Smart meters generate operational insights for better energy-use forecasting and maintenance. They are crucial in improving power grid quality, resiliency, and digitalization with advanced monitoring applications.

Smart energy and IoT

Smart grid technologies include IoT technology that enables communication between connected devices and hardware such as power sensors, data centers and meters.

Adopting digital technology allows two-way data transfer and intelligent grid management systems that dramatically enhance energy efficiency and lower consumer energy costs. The flow of data from connected sensors in real-time means utilities can leverage big data analytics to pre-empt high demand better to manage distribution for lower operating costs and increased efficiency.

Future cellular IoT

Smart meters connected to 4G and 5G using eSIM technology offer scalability, capable of supporting a large volume of smart meters and aggregator services for consumers. With integral standards like NB-IoT and LTE-M, 5G technology can offer utilities a reliable connection while future-proofing smart meter rollouts. 

Smart grid security risks

As we digitize and connect more IoT devices, including meters and sensors to the grid and distributed networks, we are entering a new digital transformation era with endless possibilities for monitoring, optimizing and trading energy. The water, gas, and utilities infrastructure collect has vast amounts of confidential data which poses a smart meter hacking threat. The implications of a minor cyber security breach to an edge device linked to the  Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) can compromise service integrity and safety on a vast scale.

Embedded SIM and smart meters

One solution to mitigating the security risk is the embedded SIM (eSIM) soldered to the circuit board inside smart meter devices. The eSIM, a tamper-resistant chip, offers reliable cellular connectivity and secure digital utility communication between smart meters and the smart grid. 

In addition, eSIM technology reduces smart metering manufacturing costs and scalability. Moreover, with cellular IoT, smart meter deployments can be significantly improved by ensuring reliable continuity of data service. Smart meters with eSIM enable utilities to track energy consumption in real-time for efficient remote customer distribution.

Want to find out about smart meter efficiency with eSIM IoT

Want to find out about smart meter efficiency with eSIM IoT

Watch the webinar, with expert speakers from Kigen, Kamstrupp and Vodafone, who discuss the transformative impact of Kigen’s ultra-efficient eSIM OS on smart metering IoT deployments.

Key webinar takeouts:

• How OEMs are leveraging cellular low power wide area (LPWA) network connectivity for IoT

• Chip-to-cloud security for trusted data services that optimize energy efficiency

• eSIM manufacturing advantages include scalability by enabling easy management of fleets of devices